Social Media

We grow business’ social media accounts with marketing plans centered around the most important metric on social media; content engagement, engagement rate per post controls how high posts appear in news feeds and the audience size.

In 2018 Facebook changed it’s algorithms to prioritize content from friends over content from companies. This means that follower engagement is more important than ever. Why spend on in-effective paid advertising, when you can create a highly-engaged community who will continuously promote your content for free. This is called an Organic Growth Marketing Strategy

To get your content to the top of your follower’s news feeds we work with you to develop a marketing plan that you own and can execute. Our first step is a free consultation where we discuss your business; where you’ve found success in your industry online and where the opportunity for growth lies. 

Content Creation

If your marketing plan is done, either by us or in-house.  Executing it can be exhausting & take you away from running the day to day need of your business.  So often we hear about how easy it is to run out of hours in the day before getting around to creating the post you had intended.

Hand off the responsibility to us. Never miss a post again.

We can create one-time content, such as seasonal promotion or create content for you as consistently as you require. 

The ways in which we can create content are:

  • 4K Videography
  • 4K Photography 
  • Graphic Design 
  • 2D Animation

Our first step is a free consultation where we discuss your business, your budget, the type of content you use and how to use it most effectively.

Social Media Services